Updated High School Football Schedule
Upcoming Softball Games
Little River Conference Tournament
Attention MS/HS athletes and cheerleaders:
PHYSICALS will be available on Friday, Aug. 9 at 2:30 at the football field. Cost is $10.
You must have the history and consent portions of the Physical Forms completed by a parent/guardian. Forms are available in each office and online.
August Lunch Menu
August Breakfast Menu
August 8-9 Menu
Tonight - 6 PM Strother Public Schools Meet & Greet
Reminder - Community Meet and Greet tonight from 6 to 7:30pm.
Softball Schedule
Football Schedule
2024-2025 School Calendar
Enrollment forms and free and reduced lunch forms are on the school website and are all that are needed at this time. These can be found under the Explore drop down at the top of the website in the documents section.
JOM will be handing out school supplies at the Meet and Greet on Aug. 6. New students must bring their tribal or CDIB card to receive supplies on this day. No exceptions.
Strother open house, meet and greet night.
Reminder: Physicals are tomorrow, July 11, from 4:00-6:00 pm in the cafeteria. Cost is $10
Attention Football players: There will be a football meeting for all varsity players at 3:00 in the cafeteria prior to physicals.
Attention Elementary Parents:
School Supply Lists-Grades P3-5th
These are available on the school website/app and will be available at Wal-Mart soon.
Physicals will be July 11 from 4 to 6 in the school cafeteria. Cost is $10.
Last chance to apply for Oklahoma's Promise Scholarship
Strother Public Schools is hiring certified bus drivers.